CCG Automation News Archive
Energy Project of the Year at Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools
CCG was recognized by Association of Energy Engineers.
Leetonia Exempted Village School See Big Reduction in Energy
Check out the message we just received from Leetonia
Exempted Village Schools!
CCG Automation Completes Campus Wide Metering Project at Akron Childrens Hospital
CCG Automation recently completed a campus-wide metering
project at Akron Children's Hospital to help track energy
usage throughout the campus.
CCG Automation Completes Lighting Upgrades at James A. Garfield Local Schools
CCG Automation recently completed lighting upgrades at the
High School/Middle School in the James A. Garfield Local
School District, located in Garrettsville, OH.
Mechanical Upgrades at St. John Bosco Church
CCG recently completed mechanical upgrades at St. John Bosco
Church in Parma Heights, Ohio to address comfort and energy
Olmsted Falls Middle School Completes Control Upgrades
CCG helps Olmsted Falls with comfort issues in their middle
TimkenSteel Completes More Upgrades with CCG
CCG recently completed a campus-wide boiler control upgrade
at TimkenSteel in North Canton, Ohio.
CCG Automation Guides Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools to a 1st Place Finish in the EPA National Building Competition
CCG announced today that an energy project completed at
Strasburg-Franklin K-12 Building earned first place in the
K-12 Category of the EPA’s 2016 ENERGY STAR National
Building Competition: Battle of the Buildings.
CCG Featured in CBC Magazine
Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools Contracts with CCG Automation
The district addresses comfort issues energy and high
operational cost in nine-year-old K-12 building
Congratulations Akron Children's Hospital!
Akron Childrens to Nearly Double the Size of Considine
Professional Building
Akron Childrens Hospital Kay Jewelers Pavilion honored with Innovative Energy Project of the Year Award
CCG Automation, Inc. has received the Innovative Energy
Project of the Year Award from the Association of Energy
Engineers (AEE) for the Akron Childrens Hospital Kay
Jewelers Pavilion project.
Twinsburg City Schools Recently Complete Building Improvements
Recent building improvements and mechanical upgrades
completed at Wilcox Primary School and Samuel Bissell
Elementary School.
Certified Building Commissioning Firm Announcement
CCG Automation is honored to have received the Certified
Building Commissioning Firm (CBCF) designation from the
Association of Energy Engineers.
Happy Anniversary to Akron Children's Hospital Kay Jewelers Pavilion
On May 5th Akron Children’s Hospital celebrated one year of
occupancy at Kay Jewelers Pavilion.
Green Local Schools - Green High School Receives Energy Star Certification
Green Local Schools receives EPA Energy Star Certification
on their High School.
Green Local Schools Upgrades Produce Large Energy Savings
First year reconciliation report reveals large energy
savings for Green Local Schools.
Lake Local Schools Energy Project Recognized at the State House
The Lake Local Schools energy project that received the
Association of Energy Engineers Region III 2015 Energy
Project of the Year Award was recently recognized by the
State House of Representatives.
CCG Automation receives Business of the Year Award from the Richfield Chamber of Commerce
CCG Automation is the proud recipient of the annual
Richfield Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Award.
An award that was created by the Chamber of Commerce to
recognize companies that provide both civic and economic
contributions to the community.
CCG Received National Attention from CCR Magazine
AEE Project of Year
CCG Again Wins AEE's Top Award
CCG once again recognized by AEE with Project of the Year
Award for work completed at Lake Local
West Holmes Schools Recognized for Superior Energy Efficiency
Six of the education buildings in the West Holmes Local
School District have earned the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR certification. This
distinction signifies that the buildings perform in the top
25 percent of similar facilities nationwide for energy
efficiency and meet strict energy efficiency performance
levels set by the EPA.
Barberton City Schools Continue to be Recognized for Superior Energy Efficiency
All four of Barberton City School District Schools are now
Energy Star certified.
Lake Local Schools Exceeds Energy Savings Projections
Lake Local's Board of Education awarded a contract to CCG to
implement an energy conservation program under the
guidelines of the Ohio Energy Conservation Program.
CCG Recipient of Energy Project of the Year Award
CCG has received the Energy Project of the Year Award from
the Northern Ohio Chapter of the Association of Energy
CCG Guides Lake Local Schools to a 3rd Place Finish in the EPA National Building Competition
CCG announced today that an energy project completed
at Lake High School successfully crossed the finish
line of
the 2013 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition:
Battle of the Buildings.
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Recognizes CCG
Revere Local Schools Energy Saving Measures Exceed Expectations
CCG was awarded a contract with Revere Local Schools to
implement an energy conservation program under the
guidelines of Ohio House Bill 264.
CCG Completes Central Boiler Plant at Veyance Technologies, Inc.
Akron Children's Hospital Utilizes Performance-Based Bidding Process
Akron Children's Hospital Selects CCG Automation, Inc. using
Performance-Based Bidding Process, taking a non-traditional
approach to design and construction.
Lake Local Schools Completes Energy Conservation Project
Lake Local Schools recently completed an energy conservation
project with CCG under the guidelines of Ohio School
Facilities Commissions House Bill 264
Masco Cabinetry in Middlefield, Ohio Upgrades Building Automation with CCG Automation
Masco Cabinetry in Middlefield, Ohio upgraded their building
automation system to Automated Logic's WebCTRL, and gains
better control of humidity levels in the plant.
CCG Automation installs Automated Logic WebCTRL in New Timken Building
Timken completes construction of $42 million office building
and extends existing Automated Logic Building Automation
System to new equipment.
Mapleton Local Schools Completes Upgrades While Saving Energy
Mapleton Local Schools recently completed an energy
conservation project with CCG in both its 108,900 square
foot High School/Middle School Complex, and the 60,733
square foot Elementary School, under the guidelines of Ohio
School Facilities Commissions House Bill 264.
NEOMED Campus Undergoes Massive Expansion, CCG to Provide Building Automation Systems
Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) Contracts with
CCG Automation on Multiple Projects as the Campus Grows.
Olmsted Falls City Schools Saves on Utilities Thanks to House Bill 264
Olmsted Falls City School District recently completed an
energy conservation project with CCG in its 167,833 square
foot High School Complex, under the guidelines of Ohio
School Facilities Commissions House Bill 264
Kenston Local Schools Makes Building Automation Upgrades at Timmons Elementary
Kenston Local Schools Makes Building Automation Upgrades at
Timmons Elementary utilizing a phased-in approach.
EHOVE Career Center Expands
EHOVE Career Center renovates and expands campus, adding
Automated Logic's WebCTRL building automation system
Masco Cabinetry Upgrades Building Automation with Automated Logic's WebCTRL
Masco Cabinetry in Orwell, Ohio Upgrades Building Automation
System with a two-phased approach.
Portage Lakes Career Center Completes Building Improvements
Portage Lakes Career Center (PLCC) recently completed an
energy conservation project with CCG in its 128,724 square
foot building, under the guidelines of Ohio School
Facilities Commissions House Bill 264.
Nordonia Hills City Schools Contracts to Complete Energy Project
Nordonia Hills City School District is partnering with CCG
to implement an Energy Conservation Program
Barberton City Schools Saves Energy
The construction and renovation of buildings has led to an
increase in energy efficiency throughout the district. Work
was complete at the High School, Middle School, East
Elementary and West Elementary.
Hudson City Schools Joins List of EPA Energy Star Leaders
The Hudson City School District is proud to join EPA's list
of Energy Star Leaders, an elite group of organizations that
have improved energy efficiency across entire portfolios of
commercial buildings.
CCG is a Winner in the ENERGY STAR 2012 Summary Results
The ENERGY STAR 2012 Summary Results have been released,
showing how many buildings were given the ENERGY STAR label
last year.
Automated Logic Releases New Technology
Timelapse is a revolutionary new feature in WebCTRL that
allows operators to roll back time.
CCG Wins Energy Project of the Year
CCG, Inc. was awarded the 2012 Energy Project of the Year by
the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) for an energy
conservation project completed at the Twinsburg High School
and Sports Complex.
CCG's Service Operations Manager featured in HPAC Engineering
In an age where energy is in high demand and cost continue to increase, explore how to keep your buildings optimized. Read James Workman's article "O&M the Key to Keeping Green Buildings Optimized" in the August edition of HPAC Engineering.
CCG Welcomes Chinese Delegation from A. O. Smith and Lochinvar
CCG in conjunction with Campbell Equipment Company welcomed
a Chinese delegation from A.O. Smith and Lochinvar.
Dalton Local Schools Positions Themselves to Save
Dalton Local Schools' 84,496 square foot high school and
athletic complex is operating at over 100,000 btu/sq ft. per
Ashland City Schools Recognized by FirstEnergy
Ashland City Schools received an incentive check in the
amount of $22,785 from FirstEnergy under its Demand Side
Management and Energy Efficiency Rider (DSE2) program.
Polaris Career Center Energy Savings Measures Exceed Projections
In December of 2009, CCG was awarded a contract with Polaris
Career Center to implement an energy conservation program
under the guidelines of Ohio House Bill 264
Firelands Local Schools Energy Efficient Project Pays Off
In February of 2010, CCG was awarded a contract with
Firelands Local Schools to implement an energy conservation
program under the guidelines of Ohio House Bill 264 at
Firelands High School and Firelands Elementary.
Polaris Career Center Recognized by FirstEnergy
Polaris Career Center received an incentive check in the
amount of $94,325 from FirstEnergy under its Demand Side
Management and Energy Efficiency Rider (DSE2) program.
Twinsburg City Schools Receives Incentive Check from FirstEnergy
Twinsburg City Schools received an incentive check in the
amount of $88,103 from FirstEnergy under its Demand Side
Management and Energy Efficiency Rider (DSE2) program.
Mapleton Local Schools Approves House Bill 264 Project
Mapleton Local Schools recently contracted with CCG to
implement an Energy Conservation Program under the
guidelines of House Bill 264.
CCG Automation Recognized by Automated Logic Corporation for the Tenth Year
CCG Automation was recently honored with the 10 Award by
Automated Logic Corporation at their annual conference held
in Chicago. This marked the appreciation for ten years of
dedication representing Automated Logic Corporation.
Hudson High School Receives Perfect Score from EPA
Ohio High School Receives Rating of 100 on EPA Portfolio
CCG Recognized in OPFMA's Spring Newsletter
Don't miss the Ohio Public Facilities Maintenance
Association's Spring, 2012 issue of Spotlight on
Maintenance. Among other interesting articles you'll find a
spotlight on CCG in the article "Ohio Schools Soar in EPA's
Energy Star Competition".
CCG is a Winner in the ENERGY STAR 2011 Summary Results
The ENERGY STAR 2011 Summary Results have been released,
showing how many buildings were given the ENERGY STAR label
last year.
CCG Helps Schools Earn National EPA Awards For Conservation
A Richfield-based company that designs energy-conservation
plans tailored for a specific building has helped two Ohio
schools earn top honors in the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR competition, the 2011 Battle of
the Buildings.
Firelands High School and Firelands Elementary Earns ENERGY STAR Award
Firelands High School and Firelands Elementary have earned
the honor of becoming an ENERGY STAR® labeled buildings from
the Environmental Protection Agency.
Case Histories: Campus Reduces Energy Costs
CCG makes an appearance in this February, 2012 issue of
School Planning & Management.
Ohio Schools Soar in EPA's ENERGY STAR Competition
The results are in, and two northeast Ohio schools have
earned bragging rights in the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s 2011 national Battle of the Buildings competition.
Hudson City Schools earns ENERGY STAR Leader Recognition
The district is listed as an EPA ENERGY STAR Top Performer
CCG Wins National Design/Build Award
For over 20 years, ContractingBusiness.com has held a
national competition to showcase some of the finest examples
of Design/Build in the commercial HVAC market.
Keystone High School Receives the Prestigious ENERGY STAR Award
Keystone High School Receives the Prestigious ENERGY STAR
Award. Smart Systems and Innovative Controls Lead School to
Environmental Protection Agency Recognition.
CCG Honored at the North Royalton Board of Education Meeting
CCG was honored by the North Royalton City Schools at the
July 11th Board of Education meeting.
CCG Automation Named on the 2011 OSBA Honor Roll
Company honored for its work with CVCC
Do Your Homework: Successfully Starting a Performance-Based Energy Project
Performance-based energy projects have become a popular tool
for many organizations to finance capital improvements. Done
correctly, they are a great alternative to traditional
funding. In their simplest form, the energy savings realized
are used to pay the debt service on the loan.
Six Schools in Northeast Ohio Compete in the 2011 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) kicked off
its ENERGY STAR National Building Competition: Battle of the
Buildings this week.
CCG is a Winner in the ENERGY STAR 2010 Summary Results
CCG did work for 22 percent of all Ohio K-12 buildings
labeled in 2010
CCG Offices Recognized with ENERGY STAR Award for Third Consecutive Year
CCG is leading Summit County in ENERGY STAR labeled offices.
Hudson City Schools' Ellsworth Hill Elementary Recognized with ENERGY STAR Award
Ellsworth is one of five Hudson City School buildings to
earn this prestigious distinction in 2010 .
Barberton City Schools Contracts with CCG
Barberton City Schools contracts with CCG Automation, Inc.
to install controls at new Middle School and upgrade at High
CCG Companies Lead ENERGY STAR Initiative
CCG Companies Lead ENERGY STAR Initiative in
Energy Star Labeled K-12 Buildings in State of Ohio
Leading Ohio in Energy Star Labeled K-12 Building 2009
EHOVE Career Center - House Bill 264 Project
EHOVE Career Center partners with CCG to complete an
energy conservation project under the guidelines of Ohio
School Facilities Commissions House Bill 264 to help make
their buildings more energy efficient.
Polaris Career Center - Energy Conservation Project
Polaris Career Center addresses the learning environment in
its 240,000 square foot building with an energy conservation
project with CCG under the guidelines of Ohio School
Facilities Commissions House Bill 264.
Canton Local Schools - Energy Savings Measures Exceed Projections
One year after the project was completed the actual project
savings totaled $60,038, exceeding the original projection.
Field Local Schools - Two Schools Awarded with EPA's ENERGY STAR
Two schools in the Field Local School District earn
prestigious distinction.
Mount Vernon City Schools' Twin Oak Elementary Earns EPA's ENERGY STAR Award
Twin Oak Elementary, one of two schools in the Mount Vernon
City School District to earn prestigious distinction.
Rittman Exempted Village Schools' Rittman Elementary Awarded with EPA's ENERGY STAR
Rittman Elementary earn prestigious distinction.
Hudson High School Recognized with EPA's Energy Star
Hudson High School has been awarded the ENERGY STAR
designation from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Hudson City Schools - District Re-Opens House Bills 264 for Phase II
The fall of 2007 brought Hudson City School District to the
completion of a very successful energy conservation project
utilizing House Bill 264 with CCG.
CCG Offices - Earned ENERGY STAR Award for the Second Consecutive Year
CCG Offices - Leading Summit County in ENERGY STAR Labeled
Mapleton Local Schools' Mapleton Elementary Awarded with EPA's ENERGY STAR
Mapleton Elementary is the first school in Ashland County to
earn prestigious distinction.
West Holmes High School Awarded EPA's ENERGY STAR
West Holmes High School has earned the prestigious honor of
becoming an ENERGY STAR® labeled building from the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Hudson City Schools' Ellsworth Hill Elementary Recognized with EPA's ENERGY STAR
Ellsworth Hill Elementary is the second school in the Hudson
City School District to earn the prestigious ENERGY STAR
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center - House Bill 264 Project
After completing an energy audit in the fall of 2008 and
finding that Cuyahoga Valley Career Center’s (CVCC) energy
cost was substantially higher than similar sized buildings,
the CVCC Board of Education has entered into a contract with
CCG, Inc. to implement an Energy Conservation Program
utilizing House Bill 264.
CCG Automation, Inc. Reveals Strategies for Reducing Utility Cost
What You Need to Know to Save Millions of Dollars and
Improve Comfort.
Ashland County-West Holmes Career Center House Bill 264 Phase II
In July of 2007, Ashland County-West Holmes Career Center
(ACWHCC) began a second phase to the Energy Conservation
Program (House Bill 264) which was originally opened in
Hudson City Schools Energy Savings Measures Exceed Expectations
In June 2007, CCG, Inc. was awarded a contract with Hudson
City Schools to implement an energy conservation program
under the guidelines of Ohio House Bill 264.
North Royalton High School Energy Savings Measures Exceed Expectations
In October of 2007, North Royalton High School implemented
an energy-savings project with CCG.
West Holmes Middle School Boiler Upgrades Exceed the Mark
In October of 2007, West Holmes Middle school implemented an
energy-savings project with CCG.
Hudson City Schools McDowell Elementary Recognized with EPA's ENERGY STAR Award
Hudson City Schools McDowell Elementary has been awarded the
ENERGY STAR designation from the Environmental Protection
NEOMED Chooses Automated Logic WebCTRL for Book Depository Facility
Web-based system enhances efficiency, offers peace of mind
Relationship Stands the Test of Time
Mentor Public Schools partners with CCG Automation once
Ashland City School District's Solution to Funding Needs: Get Creative
If one leaking toilet, at 30 drops per minute, can waste up
to 83 gallons of water per month, imagine how many gallons
of water a large school district with nine buildings could
be wasting every year.
Company News
UH Ahuja Medical Center Recognized for Energy Savings
We are excited to announce that CCG Automation, Inc. has
received the Innovative Energy Project of the Year Mid-West
US Award and the Runner-up for the 2024 International Award:
Energy Project of the Year: US from the Association of
Energy Engineers (AEE) for the UH Ahuja Medical Center
CCG Helps EHOVE Career Center During Pandemic
EHOVE Career Center has a new tool called needlepoint bi-
polar ionization as part of its safety & wellness efforts
during the pandemic that will also be a long-term asset. The
ionization system is very effective in killing COVID-19, as
well as other viruses, bacteria and molds, including
Akron Children's Hospital Considine Building Win Energy Award
The American Society for Health Care Engineers announced
that Akron Childrens Hospital has won an Energy to Care
Gold Standard Award.
Energy Project of the Year at Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools
CCG was recognized by Association of Energy Engineers.
Leetonia Exempted Village School See Big Reduction in Energy
Check out the message we just received from Leetonia
Exempted Village Schools!
CCG Automation Completes Campus Wide Metering Project at Akron Childrens Hospital
CCG Automation recently completed a campus-wide metering
project at Akron Children's Hospital to help track energy
usage throughout the campus.
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