CCG Automation Success Stories
We've helped many customers take control of their energy use and maximize efficiency. Whether it's installing a new automation interface, finding ways for existing equipment to work with new automation, or designing brand-new energy systems, CCG Automation can do it. Here are just a few examples.
Ashland City Schools
Ashland County-West Holmes Career Center*
Barberton Middle School, Barberton City Schools
The district enforced a performance-based specification for
the temperature controls to ensure a high-performance
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Cuyahoga Valley Career Center*
Dalton Local Schools
EHOVE Career Center*
Ellsworth Hill Elementary School, Hudson City Schools
- Energy costs at $.70 per square
- Energy consumption at 33,700 BTUs
square foot
- Over life of building will save more
than $12.9 million, based on Ohio K-12 school
- Actual energy
cost of $44,801
- Actual energy savings of
$48,595 over industry average
- Building has
Energy StarTM Rating of 100
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Firelands Local Schools
Green Local Schools
Hudson City Schools
Hudson High School, Hudson City Schools
- Reduced energy costs to $0.67 per square
- Energy consumption reduced to a mere
BTUs per square foot
- Projected annual energy
of $8,031
- Actual annual energy savings of
- Saving exceeded projection by
- EnergyStarTM
Certified with a rating of 92
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Keystone High School, Keystone Local Schools
As part of their new construction, CCG Automation, Inc.
installed an Automated Logic Corporation® WebCTRL© building
automation system to control all major pieces of HVAC
equipment as well as monitoring humidity and CO2 levels.
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Lake Local Schools
Mapleton Elementary, Mapleton Local Schools
- Reduced energy costs to $1.03 per square
- Energy consumption reduced to 39,399
BTUs per
square foot
- Projected annual energy savings
- Actual annual savings of
- Savings exceeded projection by
- Building is EnergyStarTM
Certified with a rating of 81
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Mapleton Local Schools
Mount Vernon City Schools
Nordonia City Schools
North Royalton City Schools
Olmsted Falls City Schools
Polaris Career Center*
Portage Lakes Career Center
Reagan Elementary School, Ashland City Schools
The district passed a resolution approving the sole-sourcing
of temperature control systems & owner consulting to CCG, on
all master plan projects for CFAP Improvements.
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Revere Local Schools
Strasburg-Franklin K-12 School, Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools
The district addresses comfort issues energy and high
operational cost in nine-year-old K-12 building.
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Twinsburg City Schools
West Holmes High School, West Holmes Local Schools

- Reduced energy costs to $0.85 per square
- Energy consumption reduced to 69,527 BTUs
square foot
- Projected annual energy savings of
- Actual annual energy savings of
- Savings exceed projection by
- Building has
EnergyStarTM rating of 78
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West Holmes Local Schools
Windham Jr./Sr. High School, Windham Exempted Village Schools
- Reduced energy costs to $1.31 per square foot
- Energy
consumption reduced to 50,746 BTUs per square foot
- Projected
annual energy savings of $29,785
- Actual annual energy
of $64,065
- Saving exceeded projection by
- Building has Energy StarTM rating of
>> More Information
Company News
UH Ahuja Medical Center Recognized for Energy Savings
We are excited to announce that CCG Automation, Inc. has
received the Innovative Energy Project of the Year Mid-West
US Award and the Runner-up for the 2024 International Award:
Energy Project of the Year: US from the Association of
Energy Engineers (AEE) for the UH Ahuja Medical Center
CCG Helps EHOVE Career Center During Pandemic
EHOVE Career Center has a new tool called needlepoint bi-
polar ionization as part of its safety & wellness efforts
during the pandemic that will also be a long-term asset. The
ionization system is very effective in killing COVID-19, as
well as other viruses, bacteria and molds, including
Akron Children's Hospital Considine Building Win Energy Award
The American Society for Health Care Engineers announced
that Akron Childrens Hospital has won an Energy to Care
Gold Standard Award.
Energy Project of the Year at Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools
CCG was recognized by Association of Energy Engineers.
Leetonia Exempted Village School See Big Reduction in Energy
Check out the message we just received from Leetonia
Exempted Village Schools!
CCG Automation Completes Campus Wide Metering Project at Akron Childrens Hospital
CCG Automation recently completed a campus-wide metering
project at Akron Children's Hospital to help track energy
usage throughout the campus.
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Company Blog
Continuous Validation
Increased performance and reduced utility consumption leads
to success for Akron Children's Hospital.
Never Enough Money
You get what you pay for. Often, you will find that an
initial low cost is the most expensive way to go.
Imagine how much more productive and healthy occupants
are when they are in a comfortable work space.
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